Saturday, January 18, 2014

Warm Feet & Style

For Christmas my fiancee gave me a pair of Gore Tex insulating shoe covers. These are not the waterproof type (which I already have). These have a much higher insulating factor. So far they are working out great. I wouldn't say they are the best looking accessory for biking but they will help to get you noticed on the road.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Windy Morning

I snapped a quick video to give you a sense of the wind I was fighting this morning. The sound tells the story more than anything. As a side note I did not see any other people on the trail this morning even though temperatures were slightly above freezing. You can see there is still plenty of ice in the creek though.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I'm Back in The Saddle

You might have wondered if I gave up during the cold Nebraska winter and moved out of state. It's definitely much more challenging commuting than in Portland. With new warmer gear today I sent back out. Now to give you a flavor the bike parking, and I'm complaining because I'm happy to have this new indoor parking space, have a look for yourself with and without flash around 7 a.m this morning.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Riding in the Dark

I decided it was time to show a picture with my bike. Until now, there was little evidence that I was even on a bike. I do assure you that all of the pictures here were taken while I was out for a ride.

This picture was taken before Thanksgiving, but the posting was delayed. It's okay to not post immediately. It's okay to focus on family and friends over the holidays for a change.

This picture is taken along the Keystone trail, which I frequent even today as the temperatures drop below zero. It was a beautiful brisk night. As the temperatures have dropped the thought of removing my hands from my gloves to snap a picture becomes less alluring.

Picture from Nov. 26th 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Aksarben Locks

Last Friday I went for a long ride along the Papio and Keystone trails. I often do this on Friday afternoons when the weather is nice. Now, near the end of this ride I crossed a bridge in Aksarben. What I noticed was a peculiar number of locks. Not bike locks in particular, but just locks. Many of them had writing on them, but none of it made sense. If you know something about this mystery please do share. In the meantime, I just might add a lock next time I ride past this.

Pictures take on Nov. 15, 2013

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Out With The Old, In With The New

For the last month or so I have been taking a detour around the construction on the Keystone trail. I figured I would post a picture of the work for you to see if you haven't been out there. The new bridge is in place (and accessible) and the old one is coming down.

This picture in the morning on Nov. 13, 2013

And this picture is from Nov. 14, 2013

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Dropping Temperatures

This morning was cold. Period. At least it wasn't windy :) This was what I saw when I arrived at work. When I left home it said 10 degrees!

Here is what I saw on my ride to work. Notice the subtle details. I was not the only biker! There are other tracks on this bridge.